Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
~ 1 Peter 4:10 ~
We have several opportunities to get involved at Grace. Each of us has been blessed with a gift or talent that has been given to us by God. We are called to use our gifts to His glory!

Grace Beginnings Preschool
The purpose of Grace Beginnings Preschool is to serve Children, ages 3-5, in our neighborhood and congregation by providing an educational beginning in a strong Christian environment through a Christian preschool, and support for parents through parenting education. We offer a two day program for our 3 year olds on Tuesdays and Thursdays and a 3 day program for our 4 year olds on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Grace Beginnings Preschool is located inside of Grace Lutheran Church at 150 50th St., Wyoming, MI.

Adult Bible Study
SUNDAYS 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM
Plan now to join us for this time of fellowship and blessings in God’s Word. Make it a practice to join us for the fun discussion, fellowship and growth in God’s Word through the power of the Holy Spirit together as a church family on a Sunday morning.

Sunday School
SUNDAYS 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM
Sunday school is available for age groups from 3 years and up.
Classes are taught by our members.

Coffee and Cookie Fellowship
Sunday's following worship until ~ 10:45
Join after the Worship Service for cookie and coffee fellowship. We gather together in the Fellowship Hall for cookies and conversation.
Cookies, coffee, tea, juice and water are available.
A free will offering helps support this ministry.
We hope to see you there!
Directly afterward stay with us to learn more about God's Word through Bible Study and Sunday School.

Grace Community Meals
Thursday Evenings fall through late spring
Grace Community Meal is a night that we, as a church family and the community have to opportunity to share a meal, conversation, and be neighborly. The meal is FREE of charge. Everyone is welcome!
A special thank you goes to Lutheran Urban Outreach, Grace Lutheran Church - Endowment Fund, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, and our Members for helping fund these meal nights.
If you would like to volunteer there are several ways to help!
Set up begins at 4:00 PM, food runners are needed during meal pick up from 5:30 PM to 6:00 PM, and clean up afterwards. If you cannot stay for the entire time, any help is appreciated! Many hands make for light work!

There are a limited number of positions in the handbell choir. The handbells meet every Wednesday from September to May. If you are interested in joining feel free to come to one of our practices on Wednesday nights, contact our Music Director, Diane Long.

Sanctuary Choir
The choir is open to anyone who would like to join. The choir meets every Wednesday from September to May. If you are interested in joining feel free to come to one of our practices on Wednesday nights, contact our Music Director, Diane Long.

Special Music
Do you play an instrument or love to sing solo or in a small group? If you have the gift of music we would like to hear from you! Whether it is vocal or instrumental, praising God through song is uplifting for the congregation and for your spirit. Please contact our Music Director, Diane Long.

2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
WinGS (Women in God's Service) is the Grace Lutheran branch of Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML).
"We pledge Him our willing service wherever and whenever He has need of us." The mission of the LWML is to unite the women of the English District so that each one is strengthened in her relationship with the Triune God and enabled to use her gifts in service to the Lord. WinGS meets on the 2nd Monday of each month.

Human Care Committee
This is a committee that ministers to our church family and the surrounding community in several ways. As a committee, we would like to know if you feel that there are areas of need where we may be able to help. Please contact anyone on the Human Care Committee.

Quilters Workshop
3rd Wednesday each month 9:00 a.m. to Noon
This group is open to anyone who would like to help make quilts and help others. Any age, any gender, any experience level can make quilts at Grace. A few of the quilts are sold but most, on average 150 quilts, are sent to Lutheran World Relief. They then send them across seas to where they are need most. They also make infant quilts from the pieces that are too small for larger quilts and give them to the Pregnancy Resource Center here in Michigan. The Quilters also have a rummage sale in the fall. The money from the sale and from the quilts that are sold go toward the cost of shipping the quilts to Lutheran World Relief.

Young at Hearts
If you are looking for good food with a fun group of people come to a Young at Heart Lunch. While this is a group of mostly people 50 years and older, a few "youngin's" sneak in from time to time. There is the occasional field trip but they are known for their awesome potluck and comradery.